
13 reasons why our products are unique

(571 visitas) 18-04-2023 Naturalga

We analyze 13 reasons that make our biostimulants unique and turn into several benefits for crops.
1. First of all, we need to emphasize out products are made out of macroalgaes, which are better and more efficient for agriculture than microalgaes. Macroalgaes provide some important active components by their own, whereas microalgaes don't, whith turns into greater benefits for the crops.
2. Our macroalgae is the unique Ulva Ohnoi, which is one of the few green macroalgae families in the world. Only brown or red macroalgaes have been traditionally used for agricultural purposes, and green macroalgaes have been historically used for human consumption and dietary purposes.
3. Green macroalgaes contain ulvanos, which are active principles with antibiotic properties that increase and enhances the nutrients exchange between roots and soil. Green macroalgaes are cultivated, not collected at the sea, which means the product we make is a more ecologic, nature, artesanal and sustainable product, giving away greater results and uniformity.
4. Our variety, Ulva Ohnoi, besides containing some active ingredients that, apart from the common benefits offered by other algaes, is one of the few ones in the world that presents antibiotic properties, whith are guaranteeing good results in all types of plantations.

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5. We are pioneers in the cultivation of green macroalgaes in Spain and one of the first in Europe. Our macroalgaes cultive is certified as ecological one by the CAAE (International Organization for Global Guarantee in Ecological Certifications). Green macroalgaes had never been cultivated before, nor cultivated algaes under an organic cultivation process, taking care of the biodiversity and environmental sustainability, even less for agricultural purposes as we do. This way of cultivating macroalgaes is known as in land (controlled cultivation) and not as open sea (collected from what reaches the shore), which means collecting macroalgaes in the middle of the sea or getting the ones that arrive to the beach.
6.  Being in land means our macroalgae is cultivated, collected and processed in our lagoons by us, using a permit given by the Junta de Andalucía for the next 50 years, the first time they grant a concession for such a long period. The person who collects the macroalgae gets in the lagoon and gets the macroalgae with his own hands, cleaning it first with saltwater, to clean it, and then with fresh water, to desalinate it and finally end the process in our factory, where our products are obtained.
7. We have been given an ecologic certificate as biostimulant, being the first in Spain and one of the first in Europe to achieve the organic certification for biostimulant products under the new regulations that came out in July 2022.
8. Our products are 100% ecologic, both the cultivation of green macroalgaes itself and the final biostimulant produced.

9. Our land are located inside the Paraje Natural marismas del Río Piedra, part of Red Natura 2000 for the protection of biodiversity. We have created a unique ecosystem where an entire habitat of animals (birds, sea and terrestrial animals) live together making biodiversity stable and sustainable.
10. We produce 100% natural products, totally made in Huelva.
11. We apply a full environmental sustainability, since we take seeds from the coast to generate a natural and ecological cultivation from it and finally turn it into bio products for global agriculture.

12. Our biostimulants are zero waste, something very important for agriculture currently.

13. We are a 100% sustainable and blue economy company that works in a totally sustainable way with values based on the sustainability of our ecosystem and environment.


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